Chaima's Fiqws killer stories



I wasn’t too happy with my draft because I knew I could’ve done a better job in delivering the message I wanted my reader to get. Also, I wasn’t able to completely finish my essay, so it definitely was lacking a lot in my narrative essay. Through the peer review I learned from my classmates that my essay isn’t bad at all, it just needs more descriptive writing skills and a better conclusion that is clear. using their advice, I began reworking on my Narrative essay draft so that I can make a better finalized version. I began thinking about ways to make my narrative essay better.

One way that I planned to make my narrative essay better is by using more sensory details and descriptive language. I decided on using specific and concrete words to describe the events and characters in my essay, rather than relying on abstract or vague language. This will help the reader to feel more immersed in my story and to better understand the emotions and experiences of what I went through.

Another way that I planned to improve my essay is by using more dialogue and character development. By including dialogue and character development, I can add depth and complexity to my story and make it more engaging for the reader. I will also make an effort to use dialogue as a way to reveal character traits and to move the story forward.

Finally, I will work on crafting a clear and compelling thesis statement. A strong thesis statement is essential for any essay, and it is especially important in a narrative essay, as it helps to guide the reader through the story and to provide a sense of purpose. By focusing on crafting a clear and well-defined thesis statement, I can ensure that my essay is well-organized and that it effectively communicates my message to the reader.

Overall, by focusing on these key areas, I believe that I can improve my narrative essay and make it a more engaging and meaningful experience for the reader.

Here is my Narrative essay for reference: