Chaima's Fiqws killer stories



     As a little girl I was always fascinated with the amazing and magical world of literature. It fascinated me how words can transform you into a different dimension and how impactful they are. When I was little my local library was my go-to spot. I would go every Friday after school because I would have a half day and would take a small shopping cart from home and fill it up with books from the library. My face would be glued to a book every single minute whether I am eating, walking, in class or on my bed. I would always get in trouble with my teachers for reading books in class and not paying attention which I always found weird because the teacher that complained the most was an English teacher, quite ironic isn’t it. While reading many books I of course tried to cover every genre I could possibly find, from romance, comedy, sci-fi, horror etc. But the genre that always captivated my attention was MYSTERY NOVELS. I loved the suspense they gave, the unknown mystery that was almost like a puzzling game. I became obsessed with books such as Sherlock Holmes stories, Case Closed, Edgar Allan Poe, A to Z mysteries, Geronimo Stilton, Nancy Drew and so on. I loved trying to solve the mystery before it was solved in the book, something about feeling like a make-believe detective was intriguing to me. 

      When I found out that there was a class called Fiqws Killer stories, my inner child was so excited. I believed that I could possibly learn how to become a writer just like those amazing authors of my childhood books.  My lifelong dream is to make my own mystery novel like no other. I thought, why not start here? I mean this is a great starting point in which I can possibly become a writer. In this portfolio you will see my journey from the start to the end. I would say that I am nowhere near perfect yet, but hopeful I can be some day. I have learned many new skills and techniques that I have never known before and with the help of this class I have grown to know about many different perspectives of writing and reading. I hope you enjoy reading my portfolio and let’s head on to the next page :>

Here are some of the books that caused me to love mystery and killer stories, I totally recommend you to read them: